What do Web Development Projects Need

Websites are a common phenomenon in our lives especially to those who are avid users of the internet and browsing. But not many are familiar with what it takes to form a website and as to what are the numbers of processes that bring it to life. It basically involves two different procedures that often work together and give the required kick to your website. These procedures are known to be web development and web designing and are often mixed as one.

Thought the misconception is such that these two terms are believed to be one, the simple omission of the word web makes all the difference.

General characteristics

Web development is all about creating a code that makes it possible for us to view any site. This is a technical term that actually makes a site available in our browsers. In addition to this, web development also caters to the formation of pages, linking, pop ups, contact forms etc. On the other site, web designing is all about creating the right visuals for the site. These are inclusive of the content, color, effect, images, fonts, logos and the likes. Then there is the layout, formatting, navigation etc that come under the banner of web designing.

There are more than general characteristics that cast the tow terms apart from each other. Among the many is the set of skills and experience that is needed in order to excel in any of the two processes. It is often the completion of these processes that requires the necessary adaptation of these skills. People who are found to be working in this field of work at least have a minimal level of tertiary education but would also be found to have studies a number of different things.

Skills and learning

The web developers would be taught how to write a code and read it in a set of different language. The language of the web is different from what we normally term language to be. These are HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the likes. In addition to this, they are also taught the skills of programming and the use of different software in their work.

On the other side, the web designers will display their creative and artistic skills. This is something that they would put to use all the while learning different tools and their application in work. They may also learn the very basis of coding and create websites with amazing tools such as Photoshop.

In a nutshell, web development and web design target diverse areas of website creation. If you want your site to be successful and stand out skills are required in both these areas. Since, the skills required for creating and reading codes are higher, web development is taken to be a subject of difficulty if compared to designing. But the distinction is a matter of opinion for someone with excellent web designing skills may also argue the same way. So, next time anyone says they are one and the same thing clear out the differences and create awareness among people. 

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